Thursday 9 May 2024

Whoopi Turns Justice System Inside Out To Declare Trump’s Guilt In Hush Money Trial

 Whoopi Goldberg turned the justice system on its head during a Wednesday broadcast, ignoring that longstanding tradition of “innocent-until-proven-guilty” and suggesting that former President Donald Trump would not be on trial unless he had actually done what he was accused of doing.

Goldberg and her cohosts on ABC’s “The View” were discussing the ongoing Manhattan-based hush money trial against Trump, and Goldberg — who had joked one day earlier about which prison would be best if Judge Juan Merchan made good on his threats to impose jail time for gag order violations — argued that Trump’s guilt was a foregone conclusion as far as she was concerned.


“You know, I just think, if you didn’t do it, why are you in the court?” Goldberg asked, prompting everyone at the table to start talking at once about whether or not he planned to testify.

“You brought this on yourself! You did this to you. Nobody did this to you. You — you told the untruth, you took stuff — this is on you, this isn’t them, this isn’t the judge, this is yours,” Goldberg continued.

Just one day earlier, Goldberg and cohost Sunny Hostin were nearly giddy at the prospect of Trump being tossed “in the clink,” laughing and joking about which prison might be the best fit for him.

Hostin initially suggested that Trump should be locked up on Rikers Island, but she appeared agreeable to Goldberg’s idea to reopen the infamous island fortress Alcatraz just to house the former president.


“That’s what I got for number one,” Goldberg laughed as Hostin practically danced in her chair. “Rikers. But you know, I’m okay if he goes to Alcatraz and they reopen it. [laughter] What about … Guantanamo Bay?”

“That’d be close to Mar-a-Lago,” co-host Ana Navarro said, prompting more laughter. “Melania can come and visit.”

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