Thursday 9 May 2024

Far-Left Activist Cries Over Hunger Protest She Decided To Do: ‘This Is Absolutely Unfair’

 A far-Left activist at Princeton University cried on a bullhorn on Wednesday over a hunger strike that she and others decided to do in a desperate attempt to get the school to take actions that they want related to Israel and pro-Hamas protesters on campus.

The students, who showed signs of cracking after only a few days of participating in the hunger strike, banged on drums and chanted: “The people united will never be defeated!”

“This is absolutely unfair,” said a female activist who was wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh. “My peers and I, we are starving, we are physically exhausted. I’m quite literally shaking right now, as you can see.”

“We are both cold and hot at the same time,” she cried. “We are all immunocompromised. And based off the university’s meeting yesterday with some of our bargaining team, they would love to continue physically weakening us because they can’t stand to say no to unjust murder.”

She claimed that she “truly” does “not feel like I am doing anything special. This is my choice and I would not spend my birthday doing anything other than being here and standing in solidarity with you all, and standing in solidarity with our siblings and innocent people in Gaza.”


“No matter how physically weak we may be, united we have never been stronger, our resolve has never been stronger,” she said.


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