Saturday 11 May 2024

‘We’re Going To End It On Day One’: Trump Slams Biden’s Title IX Rewrite

 Former President Donald Trump slammed President Joe Biden’s recent rewrite of Title IX to include protection for transgender-identifying people — a policy that was originally enacted to protect women and girls.

During Trump’s Friday appearance on the “Kayal and Company” Philadelphia talk radio show, the Republican presidential candidate reminded everyone that Biden made the revision to the law, which was enacted in 1972, as an “order of the president.”

“We’re going to end it on day one. … That came down as an executive order,” Trump told the hosts. “And we’re gonna change it — on day one, it’s gonna be changed. We’re going to end it.”

“Tell your people not to worry about it,” he added, calling Biden’s revision allowing boys to go into girls’ locker rooms “crazy.” “It’ll be signed on day one. It’ll be terminated.”

The message from the former president comes after Biden’s administration announced the change in April to the ruling that’s been in place for more than five decades.

The Biden administration’s provision “clarifies that sex discrimination includes discrimination based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.” 

The revision will force any K-12 school or higher education institution receiving federal funding to allow boys who identify as girls to use girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and housing accommodations, while allowing girls who identify as boys to use boys’ facilities.

The Biden administration’s new change to Title IX also forces teachers and students to use the preferred pronouns of their students or classmates. Additionally, K-12 schools that receive federal funding must go along with students’ chosen gender identity, even if it doesn’t match their biological sex, without providing notice to or getting approval from parents.


Nicole Neily, president of Parents Defending Education, has blasted Biden’s new regulations as “grotesque,” and accused the White House of capitulating “to extremists in his party, sacrificing the First Amendment on the altar of Title IX and disregarding clearly established Supreme Court precedent on the definition of sexual harassment.”

Former Senior Counsel at the U.S. Department of Education Sarah Parshall Perry said the revision of “Title IX—which was enacted to protect women and girls and provide them equal educational opportunities—has been manipulated so that gender activists and woke politicos can feel good about themselves.”

“Under the new rule, girls and women will no longer have any sex-separated bathrooms, locker rooms, housing accommodations, or other educational programs,” she added. “Women’s sports are likely endangered, too. Any education institution, including many private schools that receive even nominal federal funding, will be affected by this rule.”

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