Saturday 4 May 2024

It’s Trending: Patriotic Students Drown Out Pro-Hamas, Anti-American Activists At LSU

 On Friday, the latest iteration of patriotic students standing up for America and confronting the pro-Hamas, anti-American activists on college campuses occurred at Louisiana State University.

The counter-protesters chanted “USA” to drown out the anti-American, pro-Hamas activists.


The trend of patriotic students confronting the activists has burgeoned at universities in Southern states.

On Thursday, a group of students at the University of Mississippi belted out “The Star-Spangled Banner,” drowning out the chanting and shouting of pro-Hamas protesters on their campus.

In a video posted to X on Tuesday, a number of students could be heard singing the national anthem at the top of their lungs while the shouts of nearby protesters — several of whom carried large Palestinian flags — were completely overpowered.

On Wednesday, students chanted “USA” at the University of Alabama to drown out the pro-Hamas, anti-American activists.

On North Carolina’s Chapel Hill campus, a group of fraternity boys fought back when anti-Israel protesters attempted to replace an American flag with a Palestinian flag. They stepped in and kept the American flag from touching the ground, even as the protesters surrounded them and hurled insults, water, and other objects their way.

A GoFundMe was set up to fund a “rager” for the UNC fraternity brothers who helped defend the American flag on the University of North Carolina’s Chapel Hill campus.

Pi Kappa Phi member Guillermo Estrada explained, “My fraternity brother and others ran over to hold it up, in order for it not to touch the ground. People began throwing water bottles at us, rocks, sticks, calling us profane names. We stood for an hour defending the flag so many fight to protect.”

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