Tuesday 14 November 2023

Photos Released Of Cocaine Discovered At White House

 Photos were released on Monday of the cocaine that officials discovered over the summer that prompted an evacuation of the facility.

The photos, published by the Daily Mail, show a small baggie containing a white powdery substance sitting inside a cubby hole where people can store personal belongings near the White House’s West Executive entrance.

Officials confirmed the substance as cocaine during preliminary and subsequent testing.

President Joe Biden and his family, including admitted cocaine-addict Hunter Biden, who was kicked out of the military for testing positive for cocaine, were reportedly at Camp David when the drugs were found.

The FBI and Secret Service conducted an investigation into the owner of the substance but allegedly shut down the investigation due to a “lack of evidence” after narrowing down a list of potential suspects to 500 people, the report said.

It was not clear whether the numbered cubby holes, which have keys, were assigned to specific personnel, the report said. Investigators alleged that there were no fingerprints on the plastic baggie.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan suggested in the days after the cocaine was found that a construction worker could have brought in the substance since the nearby Situation Room was reportedly being renovated.

“I would make a point about the Situation Room because I think there’s been a lot questionable reporting on this,”‘ he claimed. “The Situation Room is not in use and has not been in use for months because it is currently under construction.”

“We are using an alternative Situation Room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, so the only people coming in and going out of the Sit Room in this period have been workers who are getting it ready to go,” he claimed.

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