Friday 14 January 2022

NYC Mayor’s Brother Was Asst. Parking Director On College Campus Before He Was Given NYPD Deputy Commissioner Job...To Help Deal with “White supremacy”

 Is NYC getting precisely what they asked for?

NYC Mayor Eric Adams and his brother Bernard Adams (R)

Voters in NYC weren’t forced to elect a Socialist candidate to replace their term-limited Communist mayor. While most rational individuals would question their sanity, NYC residents, who are clearly some of the least free people in America, stood with vaccine cards in their wallets and face masks firmly in place as they willingly checked the box with Eric Adams’s name on their ballots in November. Supporters of NYC Mayor Eric Adams knew they were electing another authoritarian to become the CEO of their crime-ridden city, but did they know he would use their taxpayer dollars to give his assistant parking lot manager brother a $210K/yr job to protect him in the fight against “white supremacy?” His brother, 56-year-old Bernard Adams, is also a retired NYPD sergeant. Is Eric Adams’ brother, who’s been working as parking assistant manager, qualified to fight “white supremacy” in NYC?

NYC Street Blog – Indeed, in 2014, VCU honored Bernard Adams with a customer service award, so this is a guy who knows how to make people feel good about parking.

In addition to his final VCU job as “assistant director” of MCV Parking (July, 2020-Nov. 2021), Bernard Adams had the following jobs at VCU, all in the “Parking and Transportation” department, according to the university:

  • Enforcement and safety officer (May 2, 2008-Sept. 10, 2009).
  • Deck supervisor (Sept. 10, 2009-April 10, 2014).
  • Senior operations manager (April 10, 2014-July 25, 2016).
  • Parking operations assistant manager (July 25, 2016-July 10, 2020)

No wonder Mayor Adams is adamant that his brother is the perfect person for the job of heading mayoral security.

Let me be clear on this: My brother is qualified for the position,” Adams told Jake Tapper on CNN on Sunday. “Number one, he will be in charge of my security, which is extremely important to me at a time when we see an increase in White supremacy and hate crimes.”



The parking expertise is apparently an added benefit.

NYC Street Blog points out that one downside to having Bernard Adams serving as Mayor Adams’s security oversight? At Virginia Commonwealth, the assistant director of parking is strictly an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. job, with work on “some weekends, early mornings, and late evenings.”

Does Mayor Adams know that, compared to him, his brother’s former job was basically part-time?

The Grio reports – As of now, the New York City Conflict of Interest Board said that it could not comment on how the law would apply to specific situations. Mayor Adams may have found a loophole in any possible conflicts of interest since, technically, deputy police commissioners are not appointed by the mayor; rather, those appointments fall under the purview of the new African-American female NYPD commissioner, Keechant Sewell, who served in the Long Island police force for years. Sewell’s lack of a previous affiliation with the NYPD will likely become fodder for future articles…

Third, Mayor Adams recently stated on his rounds on cable news programs that due to the rise in white supremacy and hate crimes, he finds it necessary to have his brother in this position. This narrative is inconsistent with the Eric Adams of the campaign trail, who, on many occasions, said New York City would be so safe that he would not need a police detail and he would carry his own gun as permitted by New York City for police officers. By choosing a family member as his primary protector, is Adams saying he cannot trust select NYPD officers to protect him? Or has he changed his stance on allowing a security detail when moving about the city?

Does NYC’s new Mayor Eric Adams have another relative he can hire to deal with Asian and Jew-hate crimes or the crime of pushing people onto the train tracks of subways?  Because as far as we can tell, those issues appear to be much more pressing than “white supremacy” in NYC.

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