Thursday 9 May 2024

Man Who Attempted To Shoot Pastor Mid-Sermon Charged With Killing Cousin

 The man who was caught on livestream allegedly attempting to gun down a pastor in Pennsylvania on Sunday was charged with the fatal shooting of his cousin, which authorities believe took place hours before he pointed his firearm at the pastor of Jesus Dwelling Place Church.

Authorities charged 26-year-old Bernard Polite with homicide on Tuesday after the body of 56-year-old Derek Polite, Bernard’s cousin, was found in his home on Sunday night, The New York Post reported. Police said that Derek Polite’s relatives went to his home to check on him after they saw the video of Bernard Polite allegedly attempting to shoot Pastor Glenn Germany.

“Through witness interviews, detectives learned Bernard Polite was seen pacing outside the residence the morning of May 5, and later a neighbor reported hearing a noise which could have been a gunshot at approximately 10:00 am,” Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, authorities said.

A bullet found inside Derek Polite’s home matched the firearm taken from his cousin after police apprehended him at the church, according to authorities.

There were around 25 people in the church when Bernard Polite calmly walked toward Germany and pointed his handgun at him. Germany said Polite’s gun “clicked” as the pastor dove behind the pulpit.

“He pulled the gun; it clicked,” Germany said, according to WPXI. “You heard him shoot it. God jammed the gun so the bullet didn’t come out.”

After Polite’s gun seemingly failed to fire, Deacon Clarence McCallister was seen on video tackling Polite to the ground before Germany got back up and helped McCallister keep the gunman pinned while wrestling his gun away from him. Germany said that Polite told him, “The spirits were in my mind. They got in my mind and told me to shoot the pastor.”

“He actually apologized to me,” Germany added. “I told him that ‘I forgive you and want you to know I love you,’ but yes, I definitely forgave him.”


Polite has also been charged with aggravated assault and attempted homicide for his actions at the church, the Post reported. He is being held in the Allegheny County Jail.

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