Tuesday 23 April 2024

WATCH: Newsom Shares Wild Abortion Ad Showing Alabama Police Pulling Woman Over, Asking For Pregnancy Test

 A cop whipping out a pregnancy test during a traffic stop — this is the highlight of a new abortion ad California Governor Gavin Newsom shared this week.

The Democratic governor posted the eyebrow-raising clip to X on Sunday.

The ad shows a young blonde woman nervously trying to drive across Alabama’s state line to obtain an out-of-state abortion.

“We’re almost there. You’re going to make it,” her friend says as they pass a “State Line 1 Mile” sign.

Suddenly sirens blare, and a police car pulls the girls over.

“Miss, I’m gonna need you to step out of the vehicle, take a pregnancy test,” a state trooper tells the woman in a thick southern accent.

The officer taps a pregnancy test on the window.

The woman is then shown being handcuffed and bent over the cop car as she looks at the camera with a pained expression.

“Trump Republicans want to criminalize young Alabama women who travel for reproductive care,” the ad’s narrator says.

The ad calls on viewers to “stop them” and directs people to a link for Newsom’s Campaign for Democracy political action committee.

The issue at the heart of the ad is about minor girls traveling for abortions, not women.

Three states, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Alabama are considering bills that crack down on minors traveling out of state to get an abortion without parental consent, the PAC’s link explains.

Nevertheless, the PAC’s website references “women” multiple times.

“They want to lock women and girls down completely, taking away their constitutional right to travel,” the website reads.

“These are states that basically want to imprison women and young girls,” the PAC adds. “It’s a backdoor nationwide abortion ban, denying women the opportunity to go to a freedom state.”

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh reacted to the ad on Monday.

“Just absolute unhinged lunacy. But it will be persuasive to the same crowd of morons who think Florida passed a bill banning residents from saying the word gay,” Walsh posted on X.

Democrats and mainstream media outlets have made range of dubious claims about the repercussions of state abortion bans, saying they affect everything from miscarriage care to ectopic pregnancy removal.

However, the details of the individual cases often do not support viral allegations that women are failing to get the care they need in states that have implemented abortion bans.

As the presidential election cycle heats up, Democrats have made abortion a key issue, especially the many state bans that took effect in the wake of Roe vs. Wade’s demise.

Newsom has personally hammered the abortion issue for months, signingmore than a dozen new abortion laws and urging women in states with bans to come to California to get their abortions.

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