Saturday 20 April 2024

Trump Leads Biden In Crucial Midwestern Swing State: Poll

 Former President Donald Trump pushed past President Joe Biden in Wisconsin, according to a new poll out of the crucial swing state.

The poll from Marquette Law School found that Trump leads the Democrat incumbent among registered voters in the state by two points, with the candidates receiving support from 51% and 49% of the respondents, respectively. The findings show that Trump has gained on Biden since January, when the two were tied 49% to 49%.

Wisconsin is one of seven crucial swing states in the 2024 presidential election and is worth 10 electoral votes. The other six swing states are Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, which total 93 electoral votes along with Wisconsin.

While Trump was found to be leading Biden in the Midwestern state, Democrat incumbent Senator Tammy Baldwin enjoys a five-point lead over Republican challenger Eric Hovde, with the two candidates coming in at 52% and 47%, respectively, among registered voters. When the question is posed to likely voters, however, the two Senate candidates are tied.

The Marquette Law School poll results come after a Wall Street Journal poll earlier this month found that Trump leads Biden in six of seven swing states and was tied in Wisconsin. The poll indicated that Trump has his largest lead in North Carolina, with a six-point gap between him and Biden, as well as a five-point lead in Arizona and a four-point lead in Nevada. Trump was also found to hold three-point leads in both Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as a one-point lead in Georgia.

Biden is suffering among voters over his performance on the border crisis, with a recent national Harvard Harris poll finding that only 36% of respondents approve of his performance on the issue. The poll also found that Biden has his lowest single-issue approval rating on immigration, a trend that has persisted for four months in a row.


Even polls from blue states like Colorado and Massachusetts found that voters say immigration is the biggest issue facing their respective states.

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