Thursday 18 April 2024

Donald Trump to Capitol Hill Globalists Pushing Foreign Aid: ‘I Am the Only One Who Speaks for Me’

 Former President Donald Trump on Thursday reminded globalists on Capitol Hill pushing foreign aid that no one speaks for him but himself.

Trump took to Truth Social in the afternoon to make clear he is his own spokesman a day after Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) told CNN’s Jake Tapper that the 45th president would have his back on his Biden-endorsed foreign aid package. The package bundles four separate bills together under a single rule, including a bill that would appropriate $60.84 billion for Ukraine. “I am the only one who speaks for ‘ME’ and, while it is a total mess caused by Crooked Joe Biden and the Incompetent Democrats, if I were President, this War would have never started!” Trump wrote. Trump also criticized European nations in the post, wondering why they are not “giving more money to help Ukraine?”

During an appearance on CNN’s The Lead with Tapper on Wednesday, the host asked Johnson, “Have you talked to Trump about this plan, this legislative plan in terms of how you’re introducing these foreign aid bills, and ultimately, will he have your back?”

“Oh, I think he will,” Johnson, who faces a revolt in his own conference from many hardline conservatives, said before recounting his visit with Trump at Mar-a-Lago last Friday:

I was just with him on Friday down at Mar-a-Lago, and we had dinner together, and my wife was with me. We had a great visit. We talked about a lot of things – all of the politics going on in the country. And he said at a press conference we had there togther that I’m doing a very good job, and he supports me and all of that.

While Trump spoke highly of Johnson at the press conference, he did not explicitly oppose Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) motion to vacate against Johnson when a reporter asked if he backed it or stood behind Johnson.

“We’re getting along very well with the Speaker, and I get along very well with Marjorie. We have a Speaker, he was voted in, and it was a complicated process,” Trump said. “It’s not an easy situation for any Speaker.”

“I think he’s doing a very good job. He’s doing about as good as you’re going to do, and I’m sure that Marjorie understands that, and she’s a very good friend of mine, and I know she has a lot of respect for the Speaker,” Trump added.

Since then, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has cosponsored Greene’s motion to vacate and has publicly called for Johnson’s resignation.

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