Saturday 13 April 2024

Biden Warns Iran To Not Launch Attack On Israel

 President Joe Biden warned the Islamic Republic of Iran on Friday to not launch an attack against Israel because the U.S. was committed to the defense of Israel.

Biden’s warning comes as U.S. officials told ABC News that Iran has prepared more than 100 cruise missiles to fire at Israel. Officials also believe that ballistic missiles and suicide drones are likely to be used in the attack as well.

The president made the remarks at the National Action Network Convention in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building when asked how imminent the attack was.

“I don’t want to say,” Biden said. “I don’t want to get into secure information, but my expectation is sooner than later.”

When asked what his message to Iran was, he responded: “Don’t.”

“We are devoted to the defense of Israel. We will support Israel,” he added. “We will defend — help defend Israel. And Iran will not succeed. Thank you very much.”



The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that U.S. officials believe that Iran’s attack against Israel is expected in the next 48 hours. The expected attack is in retaliation for Israel terminating Mohammed Reza Zahedi, the top commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria, last week as he met with other Iranian commanders and leaders from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group.

Zahedi allegedly played a “strategic role in forming and strengthening the resistance front as well as in planning and executing” Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack against Israel, according to a staunchly pro-IRGC political group.

The U.S. Military is moving additional assets to the region “to bolster regional deterrence efforts and increase force protection for US forces,” a Pentagon official told CNN.

Axios reported on Friday that Iran warned “U.S. forces in the region will be attacked” if the U.S. helps defend Israel.

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