Sunday 7 April 2024

Biden Faces Potential Trouble Getting On General Election Ballot In Midwestern State

 Democrats and the campaign for President Joe Biden are heading for trouble in Ohio as a law in the state could prevent Biden from appearing on the ballot in November.

The Ohio Secretary of State’s office sent a letter to Ohio Democratic Chair Liz Walters on Friday, warning of “an apparent conflict in Ohio law” as the Democratic National Convention — where Biden will officially be nominated — is scheduled for August 19, 12 days after the deadline when presidential nominees must be certified by the Secretary of State, ABC News reported.

“I am left to conclude that the Democratic National Committee must either move up its nominating convention or the Ohio General Assembly must act by May 9, 2024 (90 days prior to a new law’s effective date) to create an exception to this statutory requirement,” wrote Paul Disantis, legal counsel for the Ohio SOS.

The Ohio General Assembly is controlled by Republicans. Both state House Minority Leader Allison Russo and state Senate Minority Leader Nickie Antonio were copied on the general counsel’s letter.

“We’re monitoring the situation in Ohio and we’re confident that Joe Biden will be on the ballot in all 50 states,” a Biden campaign spokesman told ABC News.

Ohio, which has been a vital swing state in recent history, recently shifted Right with former President Donald Trump winning the state by eight points in both 2016 and 2020. Before Republicans’ recent success in Ohio, Democrats counted on the midwestern state for election victories under Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.

Trump currently leads Biden in Ohio by 10 points, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polling data. In both of the last two polls taken of the state, Trump maintains a double-digit lead.


While Ohio, with its 17 electoral votes, appears to be comfortably in Trump’s hands, a win in the state for Biden would significantly lower the Republican candidate’s chances of pulling off a 2024 victory.

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