Thursday 15 February 2024

Michael Knowles, Megyn Kelly Slam NYT Article Suggesting Fani Willis Is Targeted Because She Is A Black Woman

 Daily Wire host Michael Knowles joined Megyn Kelly on her eponymous podcast on Wednesday to discuss a recent New York Times piece on the scandal surrounding Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis.

Willis had at least two trips paid for by special prosecutor Nathan Wade after she already hired him to oversee her RICO case against former President Donald Trump, according to court filings. The judge overseeing the RICO case against Trump said on Monday that Willis could be disqualified from prosecuting the former president over the allegations.

Following the backlash to the revelations laid out in the court documents, New York Times reporters Clyde McGrady and Katie Glueck published an article Wednesday morning titled, “Why the Case Against Fani Willis Feels Familiar to Black Women.”

Kelly read sections of the piece before she and Knowles dissected the race-centered defense of Willis’ personal relationship with the special prosecutor.

Kelly began by pointing out that according to his NYT profile, McGrady focuses “on the ways race and identity shape American culture.”

“That makes sense because this is not a factual piece,” Kelly said. “This is an imagined piece by somebody who only sees the world through the racial lens.”

The NYT piece reads: “Interviews with a dozen Black women at varying stages of their careers found them to be painfully conflicted about Ms. Willis’s situation and her treatment in the public eye.”

“To many, there is something galling about watching Mr. Trump and his allies attack Ms. Willis over a consensual romantic relationship when he has faced accusations of sexual misconduct and assault,” the article continues. “Mr. Trump was recently ordered by a Manhattan jury to pay $83.3 million to the writer E. Jean Carroll for defaming her after she accused him of a decades-old rape. A civil jury also found Mr. Trump liable for sexually abusing Ms. Carroll.”


Knowles responded to the report, saying that initially, he kept an “open mind” about the accusations against Willis, but then Willis gave a speech at a black church in Atlanta, focusing on her race as the reason she was being criticized for her relationship with Wade.

“These corrupt politicians only play the race card when they have no other card to play,” Knowles told Kelly, adding, “By this point in this process, we would’ve heard the best evidence for the defense of this relationship, and we have heard the best evidence is ‘one time she bought him a short flight and also she’s black.’”

“And a woman,” Kelly interjected. “I think that’s important to Nathan Wade.”

Knowles went on to argue that it is correct to point out that public officials are put under the microscope for every detail of their lives, but disagreed that politicians are scrutinized more based on their race and gender.

“Public servants and even corrupt politicians like Fani Willis are held to a higher standard, that’s true,” he said. “They do face more scrutiny, their personal lives are put under the microscope, that’s true — whether they’re black, whether they’re white, whether they’re men, whether they’re women.”

“We’re making light of this little love affair,” the Daily Wire host added. “But first of all, it does involve taxpayer money. Second of all, it’s deeply corrupt. And third of all, let’s not lose the forest for the trees here: we’re talking about an unprecedented political prosecution of the leader of the opposition.”

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