Monday 12 February 2024

Former Top Biden Adviser Susan Rice Reportedly Called Cabinet Sec A ‘B*tch-A*s’ Over Handling Of Migrant Shelters

 A former top adviser for President Joe Biden reportedly called Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra a “bitch-ass” over his handling of migrant shelters, Axios reported Monday.

Former Domestic Policy Adviser Susan Rice, who stepped down from her post in April, privately attacked Becerra over what she believed was his reluctance to find more space in child migrant shelters, according to Axios. She also reportedly referred to Becerra as an “idiot.”

HHS spokesperson Jeff Nesbit reportedly said the Biden administration has taken great strides to increase the space in child migrant shelters.

“The Trump administration severely restricted [the Office of Refugee Resettlement] capacity to serve children referred to our care,” Nesbit said, according to Axios. “We worked quickly, but under any circumstances, you can’t stand up licensed child-care beds overnight, much less in the middle of a pandemic.” 

CNN Host Presses Chicago Mayor Over Migrant Shelters

Rice also reportedly passed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas a note that read “Don’t save him” in reference to Becerra while President Joe Biden tore into him during a meeting, according to Axios. She has also reportedly clashed with Vice President Kamala Harris and DHS adviser Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall.

Rice reportedly entered competition with Harris for Biden’s running mate position in the summer of 2020, and accused Harris’ team of being partly responsible for negative coverage of her, the outlet reported. The former adviser believed she was more informed on the U.S.-Mexico border, and Harris has since come under great scrutiny for her handling of the border after being appointed “border czar.”

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