Thursday 11 January 2024

Mayorkas Admits ‘Over 85%’ Of Migrants Being Released Into U.S.: Report

 Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas admitted Monday that over 85% of migrants encountered at the border are being released into the United States, three people who attended a private meeting with the secretary say.

Under President Joe Biden and Mayorkas’ leadership, millions of illegal immigrants have been apprehended or crossed over the U.S. southern border with Mexico. The influx of illegals has overwhelmed not just border cities, but areas across the nation, including deep-blue “sanctuary cities” like New York City.

“Per three Border Patrol sources who were in the room, while meeting privately with agents in Eagle Pass, TX today, DHS Sec. Mayorkas admitted that the current release rate for migrants caught crossing the border illegally is ‘above 85%,'” Bill Melugin reported. “I’m awaiting comment from DHS.”

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) Union said the claim was true, noting that Brandon Judd, president of NBPC, was in the room when the conversation occurred.

“Your sources are correct,” the NBPC X account posted. “During this meeting, Brandon Judd told Mayorkas that Americans have the right to know the facts about what’s going on at the border. It was at that point Mayorkas admitted that ‘over 85%’ of the people illegally crossing our border are being released.”

Mayorkas reportedly made the admission when he was pressed by U.S. Border Patrol agents in Eagle Pass, Texas, about the release rate of migrants into the country. Specifically, the secretary recently admitted to Fox News that the rate could be higher than 70%. Agents said the estimate was too low, and argued that the public deserves to know the truth. Mayorkas then admitted it was “over 85%,” sources say.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, there was a record-breaking number of encounters in 2022 and more fentanyl-related crimes in the past two years than the past five years combined, CNN noted. Republicans have also claimed that the flow of illegals found to be on the terrorist watch-list has increased some 2,500% under Mayorkas.

The secretary is facing an impeachment effort by Congressional Republicans. They claim Mayorkas is not enforcing federal immigration law and is therefore violating his oath to uphold the Constitution. They’ve argued that this is a willful dereliction of duty, that Mayorkas has “blatantly lied” about the border on multiple occasions to Congress, under oath; and he’s lied to the American people at least “58 times.”

“I believe Secretary Mayorkas is an abject failure, but it’s not because of incompetence. I believe he has done this intentionally,” Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R) said during an interview over the weekend on “Meet the Press.” “These are intentional policy decisions that he’s made – I think there must be accountability for that.”


“Secretary Mayorkas is not a good-faith negotiator,” he added. “He’s unwilling to enforce existing federal law, why would we believe that he would do any new provision. He’s lied to Congress repeatedly, he’s lied to me personally.”

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