Saturday 20 January 2024

GOP-Controlled House Passes Bills Supporting Women With Unplanned Pregnancies

 On Thursday, the GOP-controlled House of Representatives passed two bills that support women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy: the Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Families Act and The Pregnant Students’ Rights Act.

The former protects pregnancy centers from being discriminated against and not getting Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding; the latter makes sure pregnant students are alerted by their colleges with information about resources helping them to continue their education while pregnant.

“Pregnant women on college campuses should never be pressured into having an abortion, they should be surrounded with support and empowered to continue their education and their pregnancy,” Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA), who had introduced the legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives, stated. “Women who choose to complete their studies while pregnant should be an inspiration to us all, and I find it sad that Democrats are so dug in on the pro-abortion agenda that they would oppose providing pregnant women on college campuses with resources and information about available protections under Title IX. This life-affirming legislation will help save moms and babies and is a vital step toward creating a culture of life in this country.” 

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) who introduced companion legislation in the Senate, celebrated, “Pregnant college students should never feel like abortion is their only option. The Republican-led House took a huge step in empowering women to choose life by passing this legislation. I encourage my Senate colleagues to follow suit and work to ensure young women are aware of all the resources available to them and their babies while pursuing their education.”

“We thank all of the pro-life members in the House who stood up to the pro-abortion Biden administration, to fight on behalf of pregnancy centers nationwide and women on college campuses who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy,” Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of SBA Pro-Life America, stated. “The nearly 3,000 pregnancy centers nationwide stand ready to provide women with the critical material, educational and medical help they need to provide for themselves and their families. Women on college campuses deserve real choices, and not to feel burdened with choosing between continuing their education or raising their child. Life-affirming organizations like pregnancy centers stand in the gap to help those expecting moms have real options.”


“Americans across the political spectrum overwhelmingly support the critical work of pregnancy centers,” she continued. “It is not hard to understand why, when the data shows in 2022 alone, centers across the country provided over $350 million in services like pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting education programs, diapers, formula and more – all at no cost. Most women facing an unplanned pregnancy would appreciate empowering support to raise their children, not to be pushed into abortions they don’t even want. We are grateful to our allies in Congress who fought for this today.”

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