Wednesday 6 December 2023

‘You Idiot Liberals’: Bill Burr Trashes Anti-Trump Late Night Host On His Own Show

 Comedian Bill Burr trashed “stupid” liberals while looking late night host Jimmy Kimmel straight in the face during a television appearance Tuesday.

Burr said liberals are “so f*cking stupid” for the way they fixate on former President Donald Trump and make him into a martyr for charging him with four separate indictments.

“You want to see a great case thing on narcissism. Liberals are so fucking stupid the way that they handle Trump,” Burr said.

“What do you mean?” Kimmel, a strong opponent of Trump, asked.

“You should just shut up! He’s a narcissist. Neutral energy. No Trump,” Burr said.

Burr said Trump is a “one hit wonder,” and compared him to the author of “The Twist,” but the liberals kept him in the spotlight with all of the media attention from the indictments. He warned Kimmel that the martyred Trump is “coming back.” 

“I think he was a one hit wonder. He wrote ‘The Twist,’ and then that was it. He was on the casino circuit and then you idiot liberals wrote him ‘The Twist’ again when you indicted him and now he’s a martyr. He’s coming back, Jimmy. He’s coming back. It’s gonna be great for comedy, he’s coming back.”

He said he is in disbelief that voters have to choose between Trump and President Joe Biden. He argued a candidate in their 40’s should be elected and have to live with their decisions for years after they leave office.

Biden’s age, 81, has been a central concern among Democrats and independent voters ahead of the 2024 election. Multiple polls have found that a majority of Democratic voters prefer a different nominee in the next election mainly due to the president’s age.

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