Tuesday 19 December 2023

‘That’s Just Poison’: Tucker Carlson Gives One Reason He’d Oppose Trump’s Reelection

 Tucker Carlson said Monday he’d have reason to oppose Trump’s reelection if the former president picked Nikki Haley as his running mate.

Carlson said that a potential Vice President Haley would deter him from voting for Trump during a panel with conservative host Tim Pool, ousted Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk at AmericaFest. 


“I would not only not vote for that ticket, I would advocate against it as strongly as I could,” Carlson said when asked by Pool if he would still vote for Trump if the former president chose Haley as his second-in-command. 

“That’s just poison,” Carlson continued. “I mean, here’s someone who’s actively opposed to the interests of the country I grew up in, who endorsed the BLM riots, and who is not left, but is neoliberal in the darkest, most — speaking of nihilist — nihilistic way, and has no real popular support, is a creature of the oligarchs.”

Haley has seen endorsements from multibillion-dollar holding companies and the Koch-backed group Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP). She has experienced a boost in Iowa since the AFP endorsement, which has led to criticism from Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who called her a “RINO” who “loves” foreign wars. 

“So yeah, that would be — that would be reason to oppose the ticket,” Carlson said. 

Trump has implied that Carlson would qualify for his vice presidential pick. However, Carlson said he was not interested, stating that “God would have to yell at me very loud” to accept the position.

Watch Tucker’s interview with Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon:

The Daily Caller co-founder recently launched his new media company, the Tucker Carlson Network. In the video announcing the company’s launch, Carlson vowed to tackle the corporate media’s lies ranging from the COVID vaccine to the Black Lives Matter riots being peaceful. 

Watch the TCN announcement video: 

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