Friday 17 November 2023

‘The Rock’ Says Hollywood Friends Don’t Support Biden, But ‘Loyal’ To Democratic Party

 Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson said he has friends in Hollywood who definitely do not “support [President Joe] Biden” but said these people are “loyal” to the Democrat party.

During the 51-year-old actor’s Wednesday appearance on “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, the host and Johnson discussed being friends with people with different political views.

Rogan pointed out how it used to be “no big deal” to be friends with someone on the opposite end of the political spectrum, and leftists generally didn’t accuse their conservative pals of being “a Nazi” for wanting “lower taxes.”

“Dude, it’s the craziest thing. I have friends who support [former President Donald] Trump,” said Johnson. “I have friends who support [President Joe] Biden.”

Rogan then cut off the “The Rock” asking him to clarify if he “really” has “friends who support Biden,” and Johnson replied, “No.”

“Oh no, no, no, no, no, here’s what I do. I have friends. Thank you,” Johnson admitted. “That’s a good check because that’s important. This is important context. … I have friends who are loyal to the [Democratic] Party.”

At one point in the show, Rogan asked Johnson about his political aspirations after the actor floated the idea of throwing his hat in the ring for president in 2017 and again in 2021.


“Dude, so one of the parties came to visit me at the end of last year asking for me to run for president,” Johnson told the host. “First of all, it was incredibly f***ing surreal cause I was the guy who’s wrestling in flea markets looking for free corndogs and hotdogs.”

“But also so incredible that they had all this data they had said if this happens here’s the result,” he added. “I appreciate it and I’m f***ing honored. … It made me think, either this is an incredible thing and I got some pretty decent leadership skills or things are so f***ed up…”

Rogan added, “They are turning to the pro-wrestler movie star to try to run the world.”

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