Friday 3 November 2023

Speaker Johnson Signals Biden Impeachment Decision Coming ‘Very Soon’

 House Republicans are nearing a “point of decision” in the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden, said Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) on Thursday.

Johnson told reporters during a press conference that he would not “predetermine” an outcome for the probe, which is looking into whether Biden and his family are steeped in corruption — particularly when it comes to suspicious money transfers from foreign business dealings.

“But I do believe that very soon we are coming to a point of decision on it,” Johnson said, adding that the impeachment inquiry phase is an “important step” in ensuring due process.

Johnson was elected House speaker a little more than one week ago. His predecessor in that role, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), announced the impeachment inquiry in mid-September.

Biden, who is running for a second term in the White House, and his allies have denied that the president committed any wrongdoing and claimed that Republicans are trying to serve up “red meat” for the base.

Republicans have issued subpoenas for bank records tied to Biden family members and held one hearing on the “basis” for the inquiry. They have reportedly considered bribery and abuse of power charges.


House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY), who was tasked with leading the endeavor, recently told conservative political commentator Benny Johnson his work has reached the “downhill phase” and he aims to “wrap it up as soon as possible.”

Johnson said Comer and the two leaders who are coordinating with him — Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) — have done an “extraordinary” and methodical job “outside the scope of politics.”

The speaker noted that he has a background as a constitutional law attorney and was called upon to serve on the defense team when former President Donald Trump faced impeachment over Ukraine and later the 2020 election “when the Democrats used it for raw partisan political purposes.”

“I decried that at each step of the way,” he added. “The reason is because impeachment power in the Constitution — in the House specifically — next to a declaration of war, you could argue, it’s the … heaviest power that we have. And it cannot be wielded for political purposes.”

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