Saturday 4 November 2023

Joe Biden’s Office Allegedly Helped Coordinate Hunter Biden’s China Trips During Vice Presidency, Emails Show

 Then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office appeared to offer assistance to Hunter Biden with coordinating his business trips to China, newly released emails show.

Donald Cloud, an advisor to then-VP Biden, reached out to Hunter Biden’s assistant, Katie Dodge, and suggested she communicate with the U.S. Embassy in Beijing to connect with then-U.S. Ambassador to China Max Baucus about Hunter Biden’s travels to China, according to emails released on Oct. 26 by the America First Legal Foundation (AFL). 

“The reason I’m emailing you is that I received a call from Embassy Beijing this morning, and as I understand it, they (specifically Ambassador Max Baucus) has heard that Hunter Biden is in China. He would like to connect with Hunter (either himself or a member of his Embassy staff) to offer any support he may need during his travels,” Cloud wrote, according to the emails.

Cloud apparently sent Dodge contact information for Baucus’ special assistant and his personal phone number. Baucus’ phone number is redacted in the batch of emails AFL released. Dodge reached out to Baucus’ assistant and suggested a meeting with Baucus the next time Hunter Biden was in China because Baucus was not in China at the time, according to the emails. 

“I spoke with Mr. Biden and he said that he was hoping to stop by if it happened to work for Ambassador Baucus know he was given short notice. Since the Ambassador won’t be in Beijing while Hunter is, Hunter said that frequently he travels to China and that he would try again the next time and hopefully be able to give more time to plan,” Dodge wrote with Cloud cc’ed on the email.

“Thank you to everyone for being so responsive and we hope to be able to arrange something in the future,” she added.

Baucus became U.S. Ambassador to China in February 2014 and served until the end of the Obama administration, according to his archived government bio. The State Department declined to comment on the apparent coordination.

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