Friday 24 November 2023

Israeli Soldiers Warned Not To Answer Child Hostages Who Ask About Their Parents: Report

 Israeli soldiers have been given explicit instructions ahead of the planned transfer of hostages from Gaza back to Israel — particularly relating to the children who have been held by Hamas terrorists since the massacre that those same terrorists carried out on October 7.

According to an X post shared by geopolitical and security analyst Michael Horowitz, the Israeli soldiers were specifically told that until they had all been brought back to Israel safely, no one was to answer any questions the children might have about their parents — primarily because many of those children lost either one or both of their parents that day, and may or may not be aware of that.

“Israeli soldiers who are due to escort the children hostages to be released in the agreement with #Hamas have received specific instruction drafted by the Welfare Ministry to deal with the psychological trauma they suffered,” Horowitz posted. “Among these instructions is one not to respond to their questions about their parents and wait until they are in Israel. This is because many of them have lost at least one of their parents, if not both.”

In addition, Horowitz said that Israeli soldiers had been been instructed not to pick up any of the children — even those who were unable to walk on their own — without first asking the child’s permission.

“Soldiers have also received specific instructions to make sure they ask before taking a child in their arms or helping a child who cannot walk. They must ask the child before doing so,” he said.

The reason those instructions were given was to make sure that the children — who have been held captive by Hamas terrorists for nearly two months — are returned safely to Israel before they begin to process the trauma of everything they have been through since the October 7 attacks

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