Monday 6 November 2023

Comer Says Biden Should Be Impeached Ahead Of ‘Big Week’

 President Joe Biden should be impeached over allegations of corruption, House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) declared on Sunday.

The statement is significant as Comer is the lead impeachment inquiry investigator — though the congressman said he would leave the final decision up to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) — and shared details on a “big week” in which the probe is poised to reach a crescendo.

“I think he should [be impeached], but that’s going to be left up to the speaker,” Comer told Fox anchor Maria Bartiromo on her “Sunday Morning Futures” show.

“People ask me why I haven’t put someone in jail yet. All I can do is investigate,” Comer added. “The House of Representatives can determine whether or not to impeach. But, at the end of the day, we’re going to need an attorney general who does the right thing and prosecutes people according to the law and doesn’t have a two-tier system of justice.”

Since the start of the year, Comer has spearheaded an inquiry into Biden and his family, particularly the flow of millions of dollars of suspicious money transfers from foreign dealings through a complicated web of businesses and bank accounts.

As concerns about corruption began to mount — even as Biden and his allies insist there is no wrongdoing — the probe got wrapped into an impeachment inquiry in mid-September.

Then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) put Comer in charge and said Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) would assist in the endeavor.

Comer recently told conservative political commentator Benny Johnson his work has reached the “downhill phase,” and he aims to “wrap it up as soon as possible.”

Johnson, who took over as speaker after McCarthy was ousted from the role, told reporters last week that he would not “predetermine” an outcome.

“But I do believe that very soon we are coming to a point of decision on it,” Johnson said, adding that the impeachment inquiry phase is an “important step” in ensuring due process.

In his interview on Sunday, Comer said the Biden administration has worked to obstruct the impeachment inquiry, but he emphasized that investigators have gained access to enough bank accounts to unpack evidence of money laundering.


Republicans have “proven” influence peddling by the Biden family, Comer said, and “now what we’re looking at is Joe’s involvement” as already evidenced by documented payments to him by family members for a supposed loan repayment.

And they’re not done yet.

Predicting a “big week” ahead, Comer said Jordan is bringing in special counsel David Weiss — who is leading a criminal inquiry into Biden’s son Hunter — in for a deposition. Comer also said he expects more documents pertaining to loans to be released and teased around two dozen more subpoenas “in the very near future.”

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