Tuesday 10 October 2023

Where The Hell Is Biden? President AWOL As Americans Killed, Held Hostage In Terrorist Attack

 At this point, the bar for President Joe Biden’s response in times of crisis is pretty low. The guy is a disaster.

Yet, after one of America’s strongest allies was viciously attacked by a group that seeks to wipe it off the face of the earth — an attack where Americans were among those murdered or taken hostage by the barbaric Islamic extremist group Hamas — it must be asked: Where the hell is Biden?

On Saturday morning, Biden addressed Hamas’ unprecedented assault on the people of Israel in a short speech. Since then, the American people have learned that at least nine fellow U.S. citizens were killed. An undetermined number of Americans were reportedly captured by the terrorists.

In response, Biden has been out of sight, out of mind. Prior to noon on Monday, the White House comms team called a lid on the day — meaning Biden would not be making any more public appearances.

After that, Hamas threatened to kill civilian hostages for every unannounced air strike conducted by Israel. That could include Americans.

Since early Monday morning, the White House’s and Biden’s social media accounts have tweeted about abortion, junk fees, Big Pharma, September job numbers, and American technology companies.

Biden and his gang were blasted online for their absence on the world stage.

“American hostages being held in Gaza by Iran backed terrorist organization and the White House called a lid before noon,” conservative communications professional Greg Price tweeted. “Maybe we should get an actual president before a new Speaker of the House.”

“This is a disgusting disgrace,” Fox News’ Mark Levin said. “And, yet again, our enemies around the world take notice.”

Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer also asked, “Where is Biden?”

“Nine Americans are dead, an unknown number are missing or held hostage, yet President Biden is nowhere to be seen and has nothing to say,” Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said. “He’s totally overmatched by events and paralyzed in a crisis, partly because his own foolish appeasement of Iran fueled a campaign of terror.”

There was one American leader who stepped up to the plate Monday — former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

“Now is the time for action,” McCarthy said .”America needs a five-point plan to meet this moment, to help our ally Israel, and to strengthen our own future. The very first thing we need to do is rescue the American hostages. President Biden’s number one priority right now must be finding out how many Americans have been taken hostage and getting them home. From last night to this morning, the number of American deaths has doubled from four to nine. This administration must also make clear that harming any American will result in the wrath of the United States. We cannot repeat what happened in Afghanistan. It must be clear that we do not negotiate with terrorists and no American will be left behind.”

Now, the White House did address the nine dead Americans through a deputy spokesperson Andrew Bates, while invoking a political attack on RNC Chairman  Ronna McDaniel — which it seems to think is sufficient enough in providing leadership on the world stage.

In light of it all, to modify a phrase, no matter how bad you think it currently is under Biden, it will always get worse.

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