Saturday 9 September 2023

Top Oklahoma Education Official Calls For Drag Queen Elementary School Principal To Be Fired

 Oklahoma’s top education official said Thursday that an elementary school principal who performs as a drag queen and faced previous child pornography charges should be fired. 

Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters told Fox News that Western Heights School District should fire John Glenn Elementary School Principal Shane Murnan, a drag queen who reportedly goes by the name “Shantel Mandalay.” Walters, who campaigned on getting critical theory and gender theory out of the classroom, said that Murnan should be terminated “immediately.”

“It’s outrageous to have a drag queen running a school, you know, here in Oklahoma that doesn’t line up with Oklahoma values,” Walters told Fox. “I hear from parents every day that are concerned with this woke left-wing indoctrination or schools, this gender theory that continues to be thrust upon our kids. It’s completely inappropriate.” 

As a drag queen, Murnan has participated in story hours at the public library and worked at Oklahoma City gay bar “The Boom,” according to Facebook posts. 

“I think that the Left has absolutely an agenda for our kids, that they are at war with our kids in the classroom,” Walters said. “What they are doing is injecting this ideology for an end goal here. Their end goal is to absolutely break down a child’s mind, break down the classroom, break down the family, and you see the results that have come from this. They want kids to turn on their parents and only listen to their leftist ideology.” 

“No parent wants to send their kids to school knowing that they could be exposed to this radical gender theory in any capacity. This woke war on our kids has to stop,” Walters added. “We will not allow our kids to be part of their radical-Left game for pushing ideology and furthering their end goal, which is creating social justice warriors instead of students that understand how education is a path for success for them.”


The child pornography charges that Murnan faced back in the early 2000s were reportedly dismissed after a judge ruled that prosecutors could not prove that he had possessed the illicit materials. Court records show that Oklahoma investigators say that they had obtained deleted child pornography images they said were possessed by Murnan, according to The Oklahoman. 

“Defense attorney Frank Muret argued that since Murnan had deleted the images from his computer, the state couldn’t prove he was in possession of it. Worthington granted the defense’s motion to dismiss based on that argument,” The Oklahoman reported

The school responded to the re-surfaced charges, saying that they had been dismissed and pointing to the fact that the record of the charges has been expunged. 

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