Tuesday 19 September 2023

San Francisco Public School Has 11 Students, Spends $75,000 On Each

 A San Francisco school is operating on an $832,000 budget, despite only having 11 students, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

The Edwin and Anita Lee Newcomer School, which serves Chinese immigrants who’ve just come to the country, spends approximately $75,000 per student compared to about $10,000 spent at other schools, according to the Chronicle. In 2022, 93 students who were eligible to enroll did so at other schools in the district. 

The school had 71 students during the fall of 2016, according to the Chronicle. It currently employs two teachers, a principal, a clerk and cafeteria workers in a three-story building with no playground.

San Francisco Unified School District Superintendent Matt Wayne decided in the spring to relocate the school to Parker Elementary, but later decided not to after staff and the people in the community said they were not involved in the process, according to the Chronicle.

“This decision and this story fits into a larger environment and sentiment about what declining enrollment will mean,” Hong Mei Pang, district head of communications, told the Chronicle.

There are currently fewer Chinese immigrants moving to the area, according to the Chronicle.

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