Sunday 13 August 2023

Popular firearms influencer Brandon Herrera running for Congress: 'I will never vote for gun control'

 A man who has influenced millions of viewers about firearm history, use, and safety thinks he can be even more influential elsewhere: in Congress. Popular YouTube star and gun manufacturer Brandon Herrera has announced that he is running a primary campaign against the "establishment Republican" congressman who currently represents southern Texas.

Herrera is the owner and operator of The AK Guy, a company based out of Fayetteville, North Carolina, which manufactures "all shapes and sizes of Kalashnikov pattern firearms" as well as gun accessories and merch. Herrera then turned his firearms expertise into a popular YouTube channel, @BrandonHerrera, which currently has more than 2.8 million subscribers.

Earlier this week, at what appears to be the Young Americans for Liberty's Revolution 2023 conference, Herrera announced that he is going to take his influence to the political realm and primary Republican Rep. Tony Gonzales of Texas' 23rd district, which spans from San Antonio to El Paso. 

Herrera then followed up that conference announcement with a YouTube announcement, confirming that he has "legally filed" the necessary paperwork to challenge Gonzales, whom he called a "weak politician who voted for gun control."

As might be expected, Herrera intends to make protecting gun rights a central campaign issue. "I will never vote for gun control," he promised, adding, "I will do everything in my authority to weaken the ATF, and I will challenge ATF Director [Steven] Dettelbach every time." Earlier this summer, Herrera spoke at a congressional hearing about the dangers the ATF poses to regular Americans. 

But fortifying gun rights isn't Herrera's only focus. He also claims he wants to "take a stance against digital censorship and Big Tech," to protect the First Amendment right of free speech, and to secure the southern border. The 23rd district in Texas "has more border fronted with Mexico than any district in the country," and Rep. "Tony Gonzales has ... failed" his constituents "by voting against Republicans [and] in favor of amnesty."

Herrera described himself as a "libertarian-leaning" kind of guy frustrated with what America has become lately. "America was never supposed to be the country that gave you everything you always wanted," he said. "It was simply a place that gave you the freedom and opportunity to chase those things for yourself."

Herrera hopes to help restore "constitutionally guaranteed rights" by taking on "incumbent politicians" like Gonzales "who vote time and time again against the interests of the American people without fear of losing their positions."

I’m Running For

Herrera already enjoys a certain celebrity status as a niche content creator. Now, he has taken advantage of a well-known anti-Biden chant to help promote his message as well. Herrera, whose first name is Brandon, has co-opted the phrase "Let's Go Brandon" for his campaign slogan, and Bunker Branding is already selling LGB T-shirts on Herrera's behalf.

The Texas Republican primary election will be held on March 5, 2024, also known as "Super Tuesday."

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