Wednesday 30 August 2023

MSNBC Contributor Complains About DeSantis Calling Jacksonville Shooter A ‘Scumbag’

 A contributor on MSNBC complained this week about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis demonizing the man who murdered three African American people at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville as a “scumbag,” claiming that doing so pins the atrocity solely on the individual who was responsible, which he claimed was a bad thing.

Trymaine Lee made the remarks during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” after DeSantis addressed the shooting over the weekend.

“This shooting, based on the manifesto that they’ve discovered from the scumbag that did this, was racially motivated,” DeSantis said, adding: “We condemn what happened in the strongest possible terms. We’ve offered support for Sheriff Waters in the city of Jacksonville, and we send our condolences to the victims and their families who were the victims of a very cowardly act.”

Lee said that “so many folks” had a problem with the language because “it places the onus on one individual and the actions of one individual as opposed to a nationwide sickness of White supremacy in this country and the violence it fuels.”

“And so long as he is a scumbag or as long as there’s a mental health issue, you don’t have to engage with the idea that there are, you know, co-conspirators online, there are co-conspirators who create legislation that divide, and other people,” Lee continued. “There are all these other forces that are contributing to this kind of violence, but as long as it’s the act of one individual, it’s just a scumbag, then you don’t take the true issue head on.”



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