Thursday 3 August 2023

‘Be Very Careful’: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Defends Teen Looters From ‘Mob Action’ Allegations

 Democratic Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson on Wednesday defended teenagers who looted a 7-11 convenience store.

Johnson took issue with a reporter who accused the alleged teenage perpetrators of participating in “mob action.” The mayor policed the reporter’s language, claiming that this phrase dehumanized the teenage suspects.  

“No, that’s not appropriate,” Johnson told the reporter. “I’m not talking about mob action. I didn’t say that.”

“It’s important that we speak of these dynamics in an appropriate way. This is not to obfuscate what has actually taken place. We have to be very careful when we use language to describe certain behavior. There’s history in this city. I mean, to refer to children as like baby Al Capones is not appropriate,” he continued.

Social media users skewered Johnson over his remarks. 

“When asked about the swarm of teens downtown Mayor Johnson replied… ‘Do not call these young people bees or wasps,'” said one Twitter user.

“Useless person,” said another Twitter user.

“Got it. Referring to the mobs of looting criminals as a mob is the problem. Thanks, Mayor,” tweeted another. 

swarm of teens stormed through a 7-11 located in Chicago’s trendy South Loop neighborhood July 31. The footage, which has been viewed over 230,000 times on Twitter, shows the teens rampaging through the store, knocking over displays and running out with stolen merchandise. Chicago police subsequently arrested 40 of the alleged participants.

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