Friday 16 June 2023

Man Charged In Stabbing Death Of Another Alleged Subway Menace

 A man is facing charges after yet another fatal encounter on a New York City subway train with an alleged menace who was threatening passengers.

Jordan Williams, a 20-year-old from Queens, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with manslaughter and possession of a weapon for the stabbing death of Devictor Ouedraogo in Brooklyn.

Law enforcement sources told NBC New York that Ouedraogo, 36, was harassing passengers around 8 p.m. Tuesday on a train car, and a toxicology report will help determine if the man was under the influence. Investigators are said to be examining cell phone video of the tussle as part of their inquiry.

Police sources told the New York Post that Ouedraogo, who records show did time in state prison for a 2009 attempted robbery, began to argue with Williams and his girlfriend when Ouedraogo struck the woman in the face. A fight ensued, during which Williams allegedly pulled out a knife and stabbed Ouedraogo, after which Ouedraogo was transported to the hospital and pronounced dead.

Jason Goldman, a lawyer who claims to be representing Williams, decried the situation as “upsetting” because his client was “charged without a thorough investigation,” according to The New York Times.

The fatal altercation comes on the heels of another deadly train incident in which Marine veteran Daniel Penny placed Jordan Neely, a homeless street performer known to have mental issues and an extensive criminal history, into a headlock last month on a New York City subway train. Neely, too, was allegedly shouting and threatening passengers before he was restrained.

As seen in bystander video footage, Neely appeared to lose consciousness. He was pronounced dead after being taken to a hospital, according to the Associated Press. New York City’s medical examiner ruled Neely’s death a homicide due to “compression of neck (chokehold),” but the ruling did not determine culpability.

More than a week after the incident, Penny surrendered to law enforcement in New York on second-degree manslaughter charges, though Penny did not enter a plea and was released on $100,000 bail. A grand jury indicted in Manhattan then indicted Penny this week.

In video clips released by his lawyers over the weekend, Penny said he jumped into action to protect himself and commuters. In addition, Penny denied that race was a motivating factor. He called such claims “absolutely ridiculous,” adding, “I didn’t see a black man threatening passengers. I saw a man threatening passengers, a lot of whom were people of color.”

Goldman said Williams also acted in “clear self-defense,” but questioned whether his client is getting the “same treatment” as Penny, in part because Williams is black and Penny is white.

“Is Mr. Williams not getting the same treatment that Mr. Penny received — released, voluntary surrender, and low bail — because his skin color is different and he comes from a particular neighborhood?” Goldman said.

Multiple reports said members of Ouedraogo’s family could not be immediately reached.

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