Friday 16 June 2023

Fox Corp. Encourages Employees To Support Radical LGBTQ Organizations, Uses ‘Woke AI’ To Track Commitment To DEI, Matt Walsh Reveals

 Matt Walsh obtained internal documents from Fox News employees showing that Fox Corp. encourages employees to support radical LGBTQ organizations and has deployed “woke AI” that tracks people’s commitment to DEI principles. 

A screenshot of a Fox employee portal shared by Walsh showed that the company encourages employees to donate to the Trevor Project, the Ali Forney Center, and the L.A. LGBT Center. Fox also encourages employees to read explicit LGBTQ books like one that gives a sexually explicit description of a “glory hole” and another that describes pornographic scenes between two gay characters.

“Do the executives and owners just not know what’s happening in their company?” Walsh asked. “Are they trying to comply with some onerous New York State Law? Do they not care?  Do they actually support this nonsense? Fox News’ audience deserves to know.” 

The Fox employee portal pushes employees to the Trevor Project, an organization that Walsh said “hosts a sexually explicit chat room that connects children as young as 13 years old with ‘LGBT’ adults.”

The Ali Forney Center supports injecting children with cross-sex hormones, and Fox praises the organization for helping “homeless LGBT youth.” The media company also praises the Los Angeles LGBT Center, an organization that posted a video of a mother “surprising” her “trans daughter” with her first doses of hormones. While YouTube removed the video for violating terms of service, a screenshot of the video can still be seen on Twitter, according to Walsh.  

One of the books that Fox says will “expand your perspective” delves into gay erotica, Walsh said, sharing a page that goes into explicit detail about a sexual encounter between two gay characters. 

Fox’s LGBTQ push doesn’t stop with adults, Walsh added, tweeting that Fox “also suggested a pride rainbow-filled kid’s book with a character who comes out as a unicorn, presumably symbolizing coming out as gay or transgender.”  

Walsh suggested that many people at Fox are not on board with the company’s embrace of leftist ideas, but leadership has introduced an AI program that monitors employees. Fox executives told employees to sign up for Eskalera, an AI program that helps people “engage in activities that will deepen” their “understanding of identity” and “explore more nuanced D&I concepts.”

“Eskalera says it pulls in data from various sources, including the email and payroll systems. It generates a ‘peer comfort index’ and a ‘diversity index,’ based in part on how often employees ‘practice micro-affirmations,’” Walsh said.

The Daily Wire host wondered how a news organization that has positioned itself as a conservative platform could allow LGBTQ and DEI principles to take over.

“Maybe Fox leadership isn’t concerned with how the audience feels because they’re not really beholden to those viewers at all.  Like YouTube, some of Fox’s largest shareholders are enormous institutional investors, [BlackRock] and [Vanguard],” Walsh said. “These massive funds consolidate the wealth of millions of Americans, and then use their combined voting power to pursue a radical agenda most of those Americans oppose. They are Fox’s real customers. And they’re getting exactly what they want.”

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