Tuesday 20 June 2023

Biden Campaign To Host More Than 20 Fundraisers This Month As Campaign Kicks Off: Report

 President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign will reportedly host more than 20 fundraisers before the end of June.

At least four fundraisers will occur in San Francisco, California, though Biden is also set to travel to New York, Maryland, and Illinois. 

The events will involve Biden, first lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and second gentleman Douglas Emhoff, the Associated Press reported, citing a “person involved in Biden’s travel plans who insisted on anonymity to discuss the schedule.” 

The report comes days after Biden held his first campaign rally of the election cycle in Philadelphia on Saturday, where he received the endorsement of the AFL-CIO. He also attended a fundraiser in Greenwich, Connecticut, on Friday. 

“We see the cadence of activity ramping up significantly,” Robert Gibbs, former Press Secretary for former President Obama, told POLITICO.

“It gets the president out there even more actively making a political as well as a policy case on a day-to-day basis,” Gibbs continued. “It takes a while to build a campaign. It takes a while to raise the money that they’re going to need, to get everybody in fighting shape and to kind of get in the rhythm of that.”

While POLITICO reports that the increased activity could “calm the nerves of at least some Democrats,” the report adds, “It almost certainly won’t appease others in the party who are concerned that Biden is still not moving at the clip needed to take on former President Donald Trump or, perhaps, a younger, more formidable Republican opponent.”

The report comes after Emily’s List, a pro-abortion group, pledged to put tens of millions of dollars behind an effort to improve Vice President Kamala Harris’s image. The “politically unprecedented” move “underscores the growing recognition that Harris may play an outsized role in what is sure to be a tough election,” POLITICO also reported.


Biden raised an unprecedented $1 billion in 2020, making the election cycle “by far the most expensive ever.” A report from Open Secrets estimated that, across the presidential and congressional races, the 2020 election cycle cost roughly $14 billion, dwarfing the less than $7 billion sum spent in the 2016 cycle.

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