Law-abiding drivers pulling into the wrong driveway is a daily occurrence. The reasons range from trying to turn their vehicle around to getting an address wrong.
The idea that someone could lose their life over such a common event is unimaginable. Yet this is exactly what happened to 20-year-old New Yorker Kaylin Gillis according to police.
The Washington County Sheriff Jeffrey Murphy said during Monday press conference Gillis and three other people were trying to find a friend’s house in Hebron, New York Saturday night at roughly 10 pm. While searching for their friend’s home, the car Gillis was in accidentally pulled into 65-year-old Kevin Monahan’s driveway.
The driver was turning the car around when Monahan busted out of the house and allegedly fired multiple shots, one which fatally struck Gillis.
According to Fox News, the driver then reportedly drove to the neighboring town of Salem and the group called 911 as soon as they arrived.
Emergency crews applied CPR to Gillis as soon as they arrived but could not revive her. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
Murphy said Monahan refused to cooperate when police attempted to question him about the incident and hid out in his home for over an hour. The cops eventually were able to take him into custody.
Monahan was booked in the Washington County jail and has been charged with second degree murder.
Kevin Monahan
Murphy said Gillis and her friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This is a very sad case of some young adults who were looking for a friend’s house and ended up at this man’s house who decided to come out with a firearm and discharge it.
The sheriff also claimed Gillis and her friends posed no threat at all to Monahan. He said they never interacted with the homeowner nor left the car.
There’s clearly no threat from anyone in the vehicle. There’s no reason for Mr. Monahan to feel threatened.
Murphy then uttered something that some may construe as a potential conflict of interest: he said he personally knew the family and thought highly of them.
I know for a fact that she comes from a good family, a very good family. And I know them personally, and she was a young girl that was taken way too young.
Monohan’s attorney Kurt Mauser disputed with the sheriff’s version of events in an interview with CNN.
This was not a simple case of coming up a driveway and turning around. The description I was given by my client is there were multiple vehicles, including a motorcycle, revving engines, coming up the driveway at a high rate of speed.
Mauser also said that Monahan felt the Gillis and her friends “created an atmosphere and a fear that there was menace going on.”
Fox News reported that a GoFundMe has been posted to support Gillis’ funeral expenses. The fundraiser has raised more nearly $90,000 as of Tuesday afternoon.
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