Monday 14 February 2022

Local Ontario Dairy Queen Dared To Show Their Support For Truckers…Here’s How The Intolerant Left Responded

 Protests have broken out across Canada to bring an end to the country’s authoritarian vaccine mandates and covid restrictions.  Alberta and Saskatchewan have already caved and lifted their vaccine mandates while Ottawa plans to lift its restrictions on private gatherings next month.  Efforts have been made by the liberal media and politicians to silence and intimidate Freedom Convoy protesters.

Today, police in Windsor began arresting Freedom Convoy demonstrators who were blocking the Ambassador Bridge.  Supporters of the Freedom Convoy protests raised $9 Million on GoFundMe.  The donation site froze the funds and attempted to steal the donations to send to other non profits until they were forced to refund the money when they were exposed.

Now, liberals are trying to cancel an Ontario Dairy Queen after they put a message in support of Freedom Convoy protesters on their sign.  The message simply read “Thank you convoy”.

Others replied in the comments claiming that the location should have their franchise rights removed for posting the message.  “DQ corporate has an obligation to both speak out against this and penalize this location (if not remove their franchise rights). If they don’t do that, it’s implicit support. So I would stay away from DQ until that happens.”  One user replied.

While some are pushing a boycott of businesses that support the Freedom Convoy, such as this Twitter user who listed other Pro Freedom Convoy businesses, some supporters of the protest have said they plan to patronize the businesses even more.

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