Donald Trump enjoyed tormenting Rudy Giuliani, mocking him for falling asleep in meetings and calling him 'pathetic' after the former mayor's television appearances.
Giuliani 'rarely complained' and, instead, 'seemed to crave the attention,' according to Michael C.Bender in his new book Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost, in an excerpt exclusively by The book is out on July 13.

Michael C.Bender's book 'Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost' is out July 13
In the 432-page book, that details Trump's life in the White House Bender reveals details of the president's relationship with his personal lawyer.
Trump 'would needle the former mayor for falling asleep on flights and joke about Giuliani's constant use of his iPad,' Bender reveals.
'He's looking at cartoons,' Trump would say.
For his part, Giuliani 'seemed to crave the attention and would often physically jockey with other aides and advisers to sit next to Trump at dinner or on the plane.'
'Rudy never wanted to be left out,' one 2016 aide said in the book. 'If you were ever between Rudy and the president, look out. You were going to get trampled.'
Trump wasn't always happy with Giuliani, who was willing to go on television at any time to defend the president.
After the release of the now-infamous 'Access Hollywood' tape in the 2016 campaign - where Trump is heard making derogatory comments about women - Giuliani was the only surrogate willing to go on the Sunday morning public affairs shows to defend Trump.
Trump was not grateful.
After the appearances, Giuliani went to LaGuardia Airport, where Trump was waiting on his plane to fly to St. Louis for his second presidential debate with Hillary Clinton.
'When Giuliani climbed up the stairs, he was greeted with huzzahs and high-fives' from Trump's aides Hope Hicks, David Bossie, and Stephen Miller.
When Giuliani walked to the front of the plane, 'Trump barely looked up from his newspaper. 'Rudy, you sucked,' Trump said. 'You were weak.' Giuliani looked like he'd simultaneously had the wind knocked out of him and taken a kick to the groin. 'What the fuck do you want me to do?' Giuliani said,' according to the book.
But, at other times, Trump showed his gratitude to Giuliani for his willingness to take the punches.
During one 2017 staff meeting, 'Trump's team started complaining about Giuliani's puzzling television appearances that often veered off-message and created more work for the press shop. Trump barked that at least Giuliani was out there fighting for him. Everyone shut up after that.'

Donald Trump enjoyed tormenting Rudy Giuliani, according to a new book that offers details on the two men's relationship

Trump sometimes mocked Rudy Giuliani for his TV appearances but, at other times, would express gratitude to the former mayor for his willingness to defend the president
Giuliani, however, was overly confident in his relationship with Trump. The two men knew each other for years when both were making names for themselves on the New York scene - Rudy as a hard-talking, tough prosecutor and Trump as a real estate mogul.
After the election, Giuliani was 'eager for an administration post and assumed he would get one. He privately told friends that he was a lock to be named secretary of state and publicly told reporters that he was being considered for several positions but wouldn't say which ones.'
He was under consideration but the vetting process 'set off alarm bells.'
For example, Giuliani told aides he hadn't been to the Middle East in more than a year. It turns out he had been to the United Arab Emirates a month earlier.
The book also reveals Trump's top campaign lawyer Justin Clark called Giuliani a 'f***ing a**hole' during a vicious Oval Office phone call with the president after Trump lost the 2020 election.
The heated conversation discussing how the campaign would deal with their allegations of voter fraud led to Trump not trusting Clark and instead believing Giuliani, who was at the center of pushing the wild theories.
'Less than a week after 2020 campaign manager Bill Stepien and Justin Clark, the campaign's top attorney, had walked Trump through their legal plan, Giuliani was blowing it up—and pushing his way further into the Oval Office,' it reads.
'On November 13, Trump summoned Clark into the Oval Office as Giuliani, on speakerphone, claimed the campaign had been too slow to contest election results in Georgia.

Donald Trump's top campaign lawyer Justin Clark
'Clark explained that state law required results to be certified before a recount could be requested, which hadn't yet happened. '
"'They're lying to you, sir!'" Giuliani shouted. Clark denied anyone was lying.
'Suddenly, the two men were shouting loud enough that it startled people waiting outside the Oval Office.
'You're a f***ing a**hole, Rudy!' Clark said. Clark had been the campaign's top attorney for the past year.
'He'd spent most of 2019 in the weeds of state and national party rulebooks ensuring that it was virtually impossible for any Republican to challenge Trump in a primary.
'During Trump's first two years, he ground out long hours as a White House aide.
'Now, after one phone call from Giuliani, the president was entertaining nonsensical attacks on his ability to read Georgia election code and to give an honest answer to a simple question to the president he'd spent four years trying to reelect.
'Clark stopped going to the White House.'

Rudy Giuliani served as Trump's private attorney
Giuliani took the lead for Trump in denouncing the 2020 election results and arguing - without proof - there was voter fraud.
Those claims led to Thursday's decision by New York state to suspended Giuliani's legal license for 'false and misleading statements' based on pushed on Donald Trump's election fraud claims.
'[W]e conclude that there is uncontroverted evidence that respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020,' the 33-page decision from the state appellate court read.
The court said Giuliani made numerous false statements about the voting in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania, including that hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots or votes, including from dead people, had been improperly counted.
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