The American Civil Liberties Union is taking legal action to attempt to free 500 inmates from jail in California.
The ACLU — which was awarded $50 million from leftist billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Institute in 2014 to “end mass incarceration” — filed a lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court against Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes demanding the release of hundreds of criminals.
The organization listed more than 500 inmates who it says must be freed because they are “medically vulnerable” to the coronavirus.
“The Orange County Sheriff’s Department has repeatedly failed its obligation to protect the safety of people in its custody,” Jacob Reisberg, an advocate with the ACLU focusing on jail conditions, told the Los Angeles Times. “Under normal circumstances, this lack of care is shameful, but during COVID-19 it is catastrophic.”
In response, Barnes said he has taken measures to protect inmates and jail staff but doesn’t want to put the public at risk by releasing more criminals.
“I will continue to take measures needed to ensure the capacity is available to maintain safe operations and preserve our ability to house criminal offenders,” the sheriff said in a statement to the Orange County Register. “In preserving the safety of our custody operations, I must also ensure the safety of the law-abiding public. I am not supportive of extensive preemptive releases that go beyond what is necessary to keep the jail and community safe.”
Other top officials across the state, including Gov. Gavin Newsom, have been evacuating prisons in defense that they are trying to prevent overcrowding. Last month, Newsom ended the sentences for 14 convicted killers, the Times reported.
One of the commuted sentences was given to a 50-year-old felon who was convicted of stabbing his pregnant wife to death. Clemency was also given to a woman convicted of fatally assaulting a baby in her care while she was a home daycare provider.
The jails in Orange County are far from overcrowded. In fact, the inmate population has been reduced by nearly 45 percent in the past two months during the coronavirus, Barnes told the county’s Board of Supervisors.
Just last month, Court Commissioner Joseph Dane signed off on the release of seven “high risk” sex offenders. These individuals’ crimes included child molestation, sexual battery of a child and indecent exposure to a child.
Orange County District Attorney Toff Spitzer released a statement on the release, saying, “These kinds of high-risk sex offenders are the most dangerous kind of criminal and the most likely to re-offend. They are doing everything they can to avoid detection by the parole officers assigned to monitor them so they can potentially commit additional sex offenses. These are not the kind of people who should be getting a break.”
When mothers are taken to jail because they let their kids play at the playground but pedophiles are released onto the streets, it is clear that this is not actually about safety.
When pastors are imprisoned because they open their pews but hardened criminals are freed from jail, there is a strong argument that it is no longer about being compassionate.
Mother arrested in Meridian, Idaho for letting kids play in park
This has gotten out of control
Stop arresting free Americans for being outside with their families
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The establishment media’s and the majority of liberal governors’ narratives during the coronavirus crisis has been that a strict lockdown is necessary for controlling COVID-19. In that same token, wouldn’t prisons be considered an ideal example of this lockdown implementation?
Well, when it comes to everyday Americans, lockdown is precisely what is being pushed. Hefty fines and jail time are consequences of disobeying lockdown orders.
However, when illegal immigrants want to storm into our country by the millions, the ACLU and Soros not only look the other way but passionately fight for their “rights.”
Conservative author Michelle Malkin delved deep into Soros’ and the ACLU’s combined efforts to fuel the open borders movement in her book “Open Borders, Inc: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?”
Malkin thoroughly outlined the ways in which this chaos-causing team uses its propagandist power and money to stunt for open borders.
Their work has been quite successful in crumbling the United States’ sovereignty and stymying the Trump administration’s efforts at reducing illegal or mass immigration.
So restricting law-abiding citizens’ freedom is essential for combating the coronavirus, but releasing dangerous criminals into the streets is part of the solution?
And Americans need to unequivocally respect liberal governors’ orders to stay home in the name of not spreading the virus around, all while unvetted migrants are welcome to flood through our country?
According to Soros and the ACLU, the answer is yes.
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