Tuesday 7 April 2020

FIREWORKS! President Trump Blasts ABC's Jon Karl, "You're a Third-Rate Reporter!" (VIDEO)

President Trump held another Coronavirus task force briefing on Monday.
As usual, the hack reporters would rather argue with President Trump than ask pertinent questions about the ongoing pandemic.
Trump wasn’t having any of it on Monday.
President Trump set ABC’s Jon Karl straight after he started an argument over an HHS IG report on the medical supply shortage. 
Jon Karl tried to leave out the fact that Trump’s HHS inspector general previously served in the Obama Admin.
“See, there’s a typical fake news deal…you’re a third rate reporter and what you just said is a disgrace… you will never make it,” Trump said.
White House reporters have also relentlessly attacked President Trump for calling the Coronavirus the “Chinese virus.”
Sundance (of theconservativetreehouse.com) posted this

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