Thursday 14 July 2022

John Bolton Shows His Smarts When Answering to CNN Comment “You Don’t Have to Be Brilliant to Attempt a Coup”


John Bolton just outed himself as someone who helped plan coups.  He had no shame and shared it like no big deal.  

Some conservatives still had a positive image of John Bolton before he entered the Trump White House.  But unfortunately, like everything and everyone else that came close to President Trump, Bolton’s true colors soon were revealed.

Bolton was let go after a very short time with the President and his name was damaged beyond repair by his own doing.  Others spoke out about Bolton.

Bolton freaked out and those close to America and President Trump could not figure him out. Rudy said he was “either a liar or a backstabber”.

He attempted to get rid of President Trump after his falling out.  That only made him look worse.  President Trump would have none of it.

This week Bolton showed his true colors.  He showed he’s not too bright and that he was involved in planning coups.

This shocking response went viral on social media.

After his actions in the Trump Administration, Bolton had very few admirers.  He is much like Liz Cheney is today, not liked at all but the left is appreciative of their work in trying to take down President Trump.

How many coups did John Bolton participate in overseas?  What is the likelihood he was part of the 2020 Election steal and efforts to get rid of President Trump?

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